Number of Students who Passed JLPT (in 2023)
N1 3/13
N2 20/40
N3 16/39
Future course after graduation
The following shows the academic achievements our graduates marked.
100% of our graduates who wanted to go to higher-level students advanced to universities, postgraduate schools and/or vocational schools (in 2022).
Main places of study and employment for graduates
●Postgraduate Schools
■ Tokyo University Graduate School
■ Hokkaido University Graduate School
■ Nagoya University Graduate School
■ Wakayama University Graduate School
■ Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School
■ Osaka City University Graduate School
■ Tsukuba University Graduate School
■ Chuo University Graduate School
■ Saitama University Graduate School
■ Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Graduate School
●National University
■ Osaka University
■ Osaka City University
■ Osaka Kyoiku University
■ Osaka Prefecture University
■ Kobe University
■ Shiga University
■ Kyushu University
■ Wakayama University
●Private University
■ Osaka University of Arts
■ Osaka Sangyo University
■ Osaka University of Economics
■ Kansai University
■ Kinki University
■ Doshisha University
■ Momoyama Gakuin University
■ Ritsumeikan University
■ Ryukoku University
●Vocational School
■ HAL College of Technology of Design
■ Tokyo Mode Gakuen
■ Tsuji Cooking Academy
■ Bunka Fashion College
■ Wakayama YMCA College Care worker Course
●Place of Employment
■ IMT Co., Ltd.
■ Hanwa Electronic Ind. Co., Ltd.
■ Kaigetsu Gruop
■ Maruyamagumi Co., Ltd.